Saturday, June 19, 2010

Mum's big birthday!!!

Hi Everyone,

Well it was my awesome mum's 50th birthday this past Tuesday and we had a family dinner last Saturday night for her and her twin sister Sandy. My little blossom wasn't well all day, so I spent the whole day sitting on the lounge with her asleep on me. Once my DP got up (he was sleeping after nightshift), I rushed to the dining table to whip up the birthday cards. For mum's birthday last year (or it might have been the Christmas before), I bought her the Stipple Rose stamp. After checking out SCS back when I bought it, I found some great ideas and the one that I decided to try was the split negative technique. I learnt the hard way a few things about how to best do this technique, because I seem to try stuff without looking at tutorials and stuff them up, but I guess thats a good way of learning!

Ok so while I was typing this my DD just vomited all over my laptop that is younger than she is... Now having trouble typing, I did something to it whilst cleaning it, oh dear... And now it won't work at all... so on DP's laptop.

So here is a picture of the two cards together.

Both Mum and Sandy really liked the cards and had a great time at their lunch and two dinners, and the tiramisu and lemon tarts that I made went down a treat.

Thanks for dropping by.



  1. Hi Christine,
    Thanks for your comment on my blog, it is the first official comment I have had, it was a lovely surprise. How did you find my blog? Were you at convention? I just love your negative rose effect, would love some clues on how you did it.

  2. Hi Christine! Oh ... you poor thing ... vomit & laptops are not a great combination! I had the same thing happen with orange juice / daughter / laptop. But ... I ended up with a brand new computer ... paid for by insurance!!! So ... make sure you check out your insurance ... ok??? This is a FAB technique! Must give it a go! Hey ... how freaky ... I have a twin sister (like your mum) ... and I have a son called Sandy!!! LOL!!! Thanks for popping by to visit again! Always love to see you! Hugs xxAxx
